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城內晚星(City of Stars粵語版)


原曲 City of Stars (from La La Land)

原唱 Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone

作曲 Justin Hurwitz

原詞 Benj Pasek & Justin Paul

城內晚星 會否只跟我閃耀

城內晚星 太多太多看不盡

驟覺 跟你初見擁抱感受默默盪漾

今晚如願 夢想終告成

城內晚星 不過一種公眾奢望

迷亂酒吧 穿過擠擁餐館煙霧瀰漫對岸

是愛 真正想找得到只有是被寵愛

一悸 一望 一碰 一翩

是只須一個眼波 點光了天空


只須一聲我作伴 即保你安然

不管知道與否 心底那終點


在心中卜卜卜卜 還望不要遠離

城內晚星 會否只跟我閃耀

城內晚星 竟從未這麼燦爛



Original lyrics:

City of stars, Are you shining just for me?

City of stars, There's so much that I can't see

Who knows? I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you

That now our dreams, They've finally come true

City of stars, Just one thing everybody wants

There in the bars, And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants

It's love, Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

A rush, A glance, A touch, A dance

A look in somebody's eyes, To light up the skies

To open the world and send it reeling

A voice that says, I'll be here, And you'll be alright

I don't care if I know, Just where I will go

'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling

A rat-tat-tat on my heart, Think I want it to stay

City of stars, Are you shining just for me?

City of stars, You never shined so brightly

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